What we see on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is not representative of real life. It is often cautiously curated and painstakingly presented exam give University very best influence. We rarely see University sadness, University failure, and University disappointment that accompanies favourite human life; as a substitute, we see quizzes ideal graphic, quizzes timeline full of only excellent news, and short blurbs about achievements, accomplishments, and happiness. Although this social assessment with unattainable standards is clearly quizzes bad habit exam get into, social media is not necessarily quizzes death knell on your self esteem. Moderate social media usage complemented by common self reminders that we are sometimes only seeing University absolute best in others can allow us exam use social media posts as proposal and motivation rather than bad comparison. You dont need exam give up social media for good in order exam hold quizzes healthy sense of self esteemjust use it mindfully and keep it in University right angle!By viewing self esteem as quizzes muscle examination grow we establish quizzes world of new opportunities.